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The Cancer Caregiver The Cancer Caregiver

The Cancer Caregiver Podcast is for the relentless cancer caregivers who tirelessly prioritize their loved ones but struggle to care for themselves amidst overwhelming responsibilities, societal expectations, and feelings of isolation.

What if self-care didn’t feel like one more impossible task? What if you could find moments of joy, even in the chaos?

Caregivers face constant challenges: battling burnout, feeling unseen, and navigating the overwhelming pressure to always put themselves last. These struggles exist because society glorifies the selfless caregiver, leaving little room for personal care. But denying yourself isn't sustainable. Instead, it’s time to break free from guilt, shatter misconceptions, and embrace practical self-care that empowers you to thrive. Enter The Cancer Caregiver Podcast, your go-to resource that simplifies self-preservation into actionable, 15-minute strategies.

The Cancer Caregiver Podcast delivers short, impactful episodes that focus on one practical self-care technique at a time. From mindfulness and breathing exercises to navigating difficult emotions, we cover strategies that fit seamlessly into your busy life. Hosted by Charlotte, a fellow cancer caregiver, yoga and meditation teacher, this podcast is your supportive sanctuary for reclaiming your time and joy.

Charlotte has walked the difficult path of cancer caregiving for over a decade. With firsthand experience of the relentless demands and emotional toll, she knows the battle caregivers face in trying to care for themselves. Charlotte’s background in yoga and meditation uniquely equips her to provide caregivers with tangible, no-nonsense self-care tools, making her the ideal guide for this journey.

Life is short. Cancer sucks. But you deserve to live joyfully. Join us on The Cancer Caregiver Podcast and reclaim the space you need to care strong—for yourself and your loved one.

e.g. Author / CEO / Dancer / Mom


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Podcast Guest Agreement and Release

By submitting this form you are agreeing to our Podcast Guest Agreement and Release.


I do hereby agree, consent to and grant to the Producer hereunder all rights related to the recording and broadcast or other distribution of reproduction(s) of my voice, photograph, likeness and performance as part of my participation as a guest on the audiovisual program entitled The Cancer Caregiver (the “Program”). I hereby acknowledge and agree:

  1. The host of The Cancer Caregiver is the sole owner of all rights in and to the Program, and the recording(s) thereof, together with any materials prepared for the Program (“Materials”) are “Work(s)-Made-For-Hire” within the meaning of the United States Copyright Act f(17 USC §101, et. seqor all purposes; and Producer has the unfettered right, among other things, to use, promote and distribute the Program one or more times in any and all media or formats and modes of transmission whatsoever, through-out the world, in perpetuity.
  2. I will receive no compensation for my appearances on and participation in the Program.
  3. I hereby waive the opportunity or right to inspect or approve the content of the Program.
  4. Nothing contained in this Podcast Guest Agreement and Release shall be construed to obligate Producer to use or exploit any of the rights granted or acquired herein, or to make, sell, license, distribute or otherwise use the Program or Materials whatsoever.
  5. My name and likeness may be used in advertising and promotional material for the program, but not as an endorsement of any other product or service.
  6. I hereby release and discharge Producer, together with all of Producer's principals, share-holders, officers, employees, agents, successors, heirs, assigns and affiliates from any and all liability arising out of or in connection with the making, producing, reproducing, processing, exhibiting, distributing, publishing, transmitting by any means or otherwise using the Program and Materials.
  7. I am eighteen years of age or older, that I am fully competent to execute this agreement, and that no other agreements currently exist which would prevent my transferring these right to you, or your successors and assigns. I acknowledge that you intend to rely on this release, and the grant of rights herein contained, and shall incur significant costs in production of the Program in reliance upon same. As a result, I agree not to institute any legal action to contest the rights conveyed to you herein.

Electronic Signature
By typing my full name above and submitting this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the contents of this release and am executing same of my own free will.

Electronic Consent on: 09/19/2024 4:41 p.m.

This attorney-drafted podcast guest release is furnished courtesy of Easy Legal For Podcasters.